I know! Please forgive me. :) Alot has been going on down here. Whew! Toss in a little thing called the holidays...and...wham...bam...the little ole blog has been put on the back burner.
Work is going well...we are both gainfully employed right now. I am sure Wezul is enjoying me not asking him on a daily basis if he has work because I know I enjoy not asking. He should be good until February, then we will see what the new year has in store for us. ;)
If you looked at a calendar recently, then you know that the holidays are upon us. This year, Wezul and I were Iowa bound for Christmas. It was a very trying time to get there and back home...Jack Frost decided to make his presence known to us all. However, we were lucky...unlike some people as you can see here. It is no surprise, we made the Pfeifle sausage again. Once again, I got left holding the proverbial sausage as we placed it into casings until I had to try and win $100 credit on our Am Ex card for Wally World. Unfortunately, we didn't win. Maybe next time. :) After our trip to the midwest, we met up with Uncle Pat for a little bit. There is never enough time to see everyone as I wish we could. We make the most of the little time we do get. ;)
We are now home...looking forward to the new year...and all the good vibes for a great time.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Warp Speed
My how the time has been flying! One second we are ringing in 2009 and now it is December 6th. Time has truly flown by. I blame it on work. These days, it is a good problem to have, but none the less, this year more than others, has been a blur.
Some good news on Wezul's job front, he was placed on a "long-term" project. That is good news for him. Since leaving the Raleigh office to go back to his Cary office, his work load has not been steady. He would basically have to ask for work every day or so. I'm not sure how long this project will last, but he knows he has it for awhile. This project will eventually lead to him working in C-ton again instead of having to drive into Cary. :( I am losing my commuter buddy. :( I was really hoping he would go back to the Raleigh office. I really enjoyed our weekly lunch outing. Things are definitely looking better for him, but we still have a few obstacles to overcome on his job front. But at least they are nothing that we can't survive.
Thanksgiving was a treat. The eldest looney from the M side of the family snuck into town to surprise the M parental unit. It worked well...They were shocked.
Some good news on Wezul's job front, he was placed on a "long-term" project. That is good news for him. Since leaving the Raleigh office to go back to his Cary office, his work load has not been steady. He would basically have to ask for work every day or so. I'm not sure how long this project will last, but he knows he has it for awhile. This project will eventually lead to him working in C-ton again instead of having to drive into Cary. :( I am losing my commuter buddy. :( I was really hoping he would go back to the Raleigh office. I really enjoyed our weekly lunch outing. Things are definitely looking better for him, but we still have a few obstacles to overcome on his job front. But at least they are nothing that we can't survive.
Thanksgiving was a treat. The eldest looney from the M side of the family snuck into town to surprise the M parental unit. It worked well...They were shocked.
We are just getting ready for the holidays and spending time with family and friends. I am just hoping I can maintain some semblance of sanity over the next few months...until I can take a two week vacation sometime this winter...stay home...and catch up on all the stuff I have no time to do these days.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
A little late ... But Chuckie's Arrival
We still haven't had a chance to finish Chuckie; however, he has made progress
and his first outing. Unfortunately, we didn't get many pics of his first night out and about; however, he did get a lot of claps and ooos and aaaahhhs as he made his presence known.
and his first outing. Unfortunately, we didn't get many pics of his first night out and about; however, he did get a lot of claps and ooos and aaaahhhs as he made his presence known.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Stats and Chuckie
I thought I would change the post up a little this time, and start with something just a tad bit different. This lovely picture happens to be one of those moments in my life that I hope I don't live to regret. Well...regret...is a strong word, since I believe it is a waste of time to regret anything in one's life. That isn't to say I haven't made mistakes, we all do, look at my hubby, he asked me to marry him. I am sure there are days he is going "Doh!". Anyways, my "career" is at a crossroads. I was converted to a permanent position over a year ago. However, that came at a small price. The powers that be want me to be a Database Admin and Decoding nut for our Science Center when our Database Queen decides to retire. I am hoping this doesn't happen for another 30 years. Apparently, I have a unique perspective when it comes to the data we collect and maintain. I make sure it is right, and I have the ability to pick up software, and I know my way around a pc - all this according to the same powers that be. The downside is, as all the computer geeks know, it isn't necessarily an easy job; however, it is a different kind of thinking than I am used to. I am a scientist. That is scary to write. This requires a different kind of processing...one that intrigues me the most. It is searching for an answer to a question that doesn't necessarily have an answer. Over the past year, I have been struggling with this new role. On one hand, it is flattering that they have this belief in me that at some point in the future they are willing to let me control this beast; however, on the other hand, I have to wonder, am I not a good enough scientist? How much control do I truly have over my own destiny. After a lot of soul searching, I made the decision why can't I have the best of both worlds. I have decided to learn ArcGIS on my own, I am currently taking a QA/QC course in TX, and in May I will be taking a statistics course. How will this help?!? In my mind, these will give me the tools I will need to move into a more analytical role in water quality. Right now, I collect the data and I figure out the logistics of getting the most representative data I can. With these new and "refresher" courses, I can become the interpreter of the data...which I can do when they chain me to the desk and no longer allow me to go float on the boat.
I know...I am long winded tonight...but that is what you get when I am stuck in a hotel room by myself procrastinating because my head is hurting from all the statistics of my current course and the big class of stats in May...but without further adieu...CHUCKIE...
He is looking good...he has his drawer slides installed. We still need to add another coat of stain to the top row of storages areas. Otherwise, his top has been fitted. :) He is looking good!
Chuckie looks like a tailgating champ...he gets along well with
B-E-E-R!! This is definitely a relationship that is all too important to the Wezul Equation of Tailgating...
I know...I am long winded tonight...but that is what you get when I am stuck in a hotel room by myself procrastinating because my head is hurting from all the statistics of my current course and the big class of stats in May...but without further adieu...CHUCKIE...
He is looking good...he has his drawer slides installed. We still need to add another coat of stain to the top row of storages areas. Otherwise, his top has been fitted. :) He is looking good!
Chuckie looks like a tailgating champ...he gets along well with
B-E-E-R!! This is definitely a relationship that is all too important to the Wezul Equation of Tailgating...
Chuck Box
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Houston...Chuckie the Chuck Box is standing
After a week of being unable to work on Chuckie due to Wezul's sore back and not feeling well...we got some work on it Saturday. That is right, Chuckie grew some legs on Saturday.
I got stuck with taking pictures, holding and lifting....no building...and I wasn't keen on the entire sanding that was occurring last night. It was a lot more powerful than the one I am used too...it was more like a sand blaster...plus...it makes a bigger mess.
Now I am MIA due to work and Wezul is working on it himself. :( This doesn't make me too happy. Wezul PROMISES me though he is staining and painting the box without me :( that I can help to make all the inside drawers.
Hopefully, I will get to have a little more fun in putting the finishing touches on Chuckie!
I got stuck with taking pictures, holding and lifting....no building...and I wasn't keen on the entire sanding that was occurring last night. It was a lot more powerful than the one I am used too...it was more like a sand blaster...plus...it makes a bigger mess.
Now I am MIA due to work and Wezul is working on it himself. :( This doesn't make me too happy. Wezul PROMISES me though he is staining and painting the box without me :( that I can help to make all the inside drawers.
Hopefully, I will get to have a little more fun in putting the finishing touches on Chuckie!
Chuck Box
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween and more on Chuckie the Box
Hope everyone is having a good Halloween. The kiddies nearly wiped us out of candy! Woo hoo! There were some cuties, but none were as cute as a little giraffe that visited us. ;) I am also sure the neighborhood kiddies are no where as cute as the two itty bitties in Iowa. ;)
We made some more progress on the Chuck Box. As you can see, we have started to stain the guts of the box.
The outside is more well defined too...
The outside is more well defined too...
It definitely is beginning to take shape...
Chuck Box
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Dodged a bullet...again!
Wezul's project in Raleigh comes to an end this week. He found out today he will be going back to Cary to work. However, some other people are being displaced at the same time. To say we are thankful for him having the opportunity to work, is an understatement...Just hoping the upswing begins soon for all those working and not.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Chuck Box! Part Deux (2009)
It has been awhile since the opportunity presented itself for us to work on our box. We were able to make a good amount of progress. Saturday began with us attaching everything to the base.
Yes, it is starting to look like a box...maybe...you think?!?
I got to use a jigsaw! Woo hoo! Power tools rock. I am going to give Bob the Builder a run for his money. Heehee!!! Not! Wezul had loads of fun using his router. By fun, I mean swearing and flying wood. :) His router was definitely not made for large scale projects. He was able to make do with what he had.
Our next round of activity will probably occur this weekend; however, only if we get the cleaning done. I am just asking for one room per weekend, to do a top-2-bottom cleaning. This has been on the schedule for months and I have been very patient as the house has been. You can hear it wimpering every night from all the neglect.
With that said, we do have a deadline to meet...November 21st!!! Go Canes!
Chuck Box
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Chuck Box - The Beginnings
We are tailgating nutz!! Earlier this fall, Wezul got a wacky idea in his head to build our own chuck box. Some might be familiar with other names such as: patrol boxes, field kitchens, camp kitchens, etc. Wezul asked me to help...which meant I got to go help pick out wood...which meant we ended up spending twice the amount of money on wood because I opted for the better wood...WHAT?!?
- I offered to pay for half of the wood
- This box is going to hold a lot of stuff...needs to be durable
- We want it to look good
- You KNOW you would buy the better wood IF someone offered to chip in half the money
- If you looked at the cheap stuff and saw what we saw...you would have wanted the better looking wood too!
We had an ominous start. We went to the HD to get the wood, and we were thoroughly disgusted with their lack of help. We needed them to trim down some of the wood, had them page for help, and we were left standing there...luckily for us, we have a wood nut in our circle of friends, and for a case of beer and some male bonding time, Wezul was able to get the wood cut down to the pile you see below...we are back on track!!!
It is taking a bit of time, but as you can see, we started to get the pieces cut out. Wezul is doing most of the cutting because the plans are in his head. He has some rough sketches, but I wouldn't be able to follow them since I don't think it will be safe to crawl in his head to see them, and his verbal descriptions leave me scratching my head when he speaks...kinda like the teacher in Charlie Brown...heehee...just kidding...However, I will have you know, I am a MEAN wood gluer, wood holder, and sander...That's right...I have used another power tool.
I hope you like the action shot below...all I can say is...I so want to use the router!! However, the wood was splitting...and it is a little scary for me...plus I think Wezul is afraid I might put his eye out, chop my hand off, or fling a piece of wood into the car's windshield...who knows...or he is just in Manspace, and wants to keep all the joy to himself.
There is part of the base...still not quite sure how it is all going to turn out...what I thought was going to be the final box...is no where close to what Wezul described to me yesterday...we are slowly make progress...though...it might help if we had an experienced carpenter giving us a little guidance...
Chuck Box
Sunday, October 11, 2009
What a month so far!
First, Little Wezul turned 18 this past week. That is right!!! Wezul's daughter hit the big 18 year old mark! He "Officially" has an adult for a child...and he will be 40 in February. There is nothing like your wife pointing out the obvious that you will be 40...and that you are getting OLD! Did I type that?!?
I also celebrated another year...who would have thought!!
Tonight, we are trying to recover from our little football game watching taco night. The scariest part is that Wezul tried out "NEW" recipes...I would have preferred trying them out ahead of time...but how fun is that?!? It wasn't too shabby...just a few tweaks needed...and it could be some AWESOME food...but after two defeats yesterday...NCSU and the Carolina Hurricanes...the Carolina Panthers finally won their first game of the season....woo saaaaaa!!!!
I also celebrated another year...who would have thought!!
Tonight, we are trying to recover from our little football game watching taco night. The scariest part is that Wezul tried out "NEW" recipes...I would have preferred trying them out ahead of time...but how fun is that?!? It wasn't too shabby...just a few tweaks needed...and it could be some AWESOME food...but after two defeats yesterday...NCSU and the Carolina Hurricanes...the Carolina Panthers finally won their first game of the season....woo saaaaaa!!!!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
What a crazy week! Last Friday, one of my project chiefs was sitting at my desk when I returned for lunch writing a note for me. Naturally, I was assuming she wanted some changes made to a report I was customizing for our cooperators...Yes...she was...then she was like..."uh oh...you caught me..." That is NEVER good to hear. Then she said you can read my note as I finish writing it...and as I began to read her message - she is reciting it aloud..."you HAVE finished writing the abstract for the national conference in April???"...you guessed it...I started laughing...oh yeah...just finished it...hmmmm...NOOOOOOO!!! Well, she did want me to submit one...and guess what...that was the 18th...and it was due by the 19th...which was a Saturday...small glitch...anything we submit has to be peer reviewed by two coworkers, approved by my direct supervisor, go through our publications unit, and then reviewed and approved by our head honcho...FUN?!?
I went into denial over the weekend...she emailed to see if we could get an extension, and she did...so, for the next three days...i was in a little space i like to call ABSTRACT $#@@. We had until Wednesday to submit it...and I was able to get everything rushed through and submitted by 2pm on Wednesday (2.5 hours before our new deadline). YEAH!! Now, I have to wait until January to hear if my abstract has been accepted for presentation. UGH!!!
The best part of the week was this Saturday. About 2 weeks ago, a little entry appeared in iCal on all the calendars on our macs..."Cass's Pre B-day Dinner at the OG" Awwwww...yup...Wezul took me to the OG last night...the best part...he took me shoe shopping!!!! I actually got to buy a new pair of shoes...heehee!! I used my allowance that I have been saving...but I actually got a new pair of shoes and OG...and then we came home and played Halo until 12:30 am...what a perfect day...Thank you sweetie!!! Yes, they are Chuck Taylor's Converse All-Stars...my feet-ies love new shoes...
Friday, September 18, 2009
Whew! Wow! OMG!
I survived the day...and I am finally mellowing out...Thank goodness...maybe Wezul will keep me around. I don't say this often...but for one day...and one day only...I will say I have job security. My work place could NOT live without me...though I was about to have a mental breakdown. Hahaha!!! Honestly, if I didn't show up Monday, they will throw a party and find another trained monkey to do my job.
Just kidding...it wasn't that bad...well...then I think out loud ALL that has been put on my plate...who did this to ME??? Oh yeah, it was me and my big mouth and my inability to say no when it ISN'T my idea. (Which comes as a shock to Wezul...apparently..."NO" is a well used word in my vocabulary)
I have a trip to Texas, two trips to Denver (maybe)...jammed packed field schedule...jammed pack office schedule...that doesn't even count the things I am doing on the side...on my own time for the job.
Some other exciting news, Wezul Web Design is FINALLY out of the red and into the black. Wezul actually got paid for his first website. Very proud of him. It was only enough to cover our initial set up cost...and give him a little extra to get some much needed items for his business. It's a good thing I didn't have any expectations of being able to quit my job and stay at home...because we are so far from it. However, it is a POSITIVE first step in the right direction...Hopefully, he will get a few more sites under his belt...and start picking up steam.
Things are still a little iffy with his much needed day job towards the end of the year...which reminds me of the very insulting message from our financial software...really...does the software need to point out that our income from last year has declined by XX%. NO!! But it does. Really, we are trying to look at life with rose colored glasses...to see the blessings that we do have...but the software that we paid for likes to remind me of this loss on a daily basis...UGH!! That's alright...$$ doesn't define us...we know what matters most...and we haven't lost any of the truly important stuff...so the software will not crush our spirit!!!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Labor-less Day Weekend
Nothing like some time off of work to recharge the batteries. I need to take more time off because I am dreading returning to the day in and day out grind of work tomorrow.
Wezul and I took a unique approach to our little situation. Since he has guaranteed work through the end of the month (maybe he'll hold out until the end of the year), we decided to each take a day and decide what we will together. Wezul's day of choice was Saturday. It pretty much just entailed us going out to eat at Vivace. Wezul had the Veal Saltimbocca (OMG...I need to really pay attention to what he orders the next time...who does he think he is...a Rockefeller?!?), and I had the spaghetti. I know...very original of me. Hahaha!! We came home and watched P.S I Love You...We both enjoyed the movie for our own reasons. All I can say...be prepared to laugh and get a good sniffle or two or ten...
Sunday, we chilled after starting the day out with the breakfast buffet at the Golden Corral. Wezul worked in the garage and cleaned out our planter box. Hopefully, we will have a more successful crop next year...barring any menacing hail storms. We also helped some friends with their garage. However, we decided not to stay for their cookout. Last night we watched Journey to the Center of the Earth...the new one...and the Golden Compass...I enjoyed the first and could careless about the 2nd movie. Wezul got into the Golden Compass, but was completely upset over the ending.
Today, was my day. So, we ended walking approximately 3 miles around the eastern half of Lake Johnson. I anticipated doing our usual loop but Wezul was a little "froggy" and we ended up walking around the half the lake or so. Afterwards, we went to the K&W Cafeteria for lunch. Tonight...it is reservations at Michael Dean's....hmmm...dessert...
Hope ya'll had fun.......
Saturday, August 29, 2009
He's Really Fast
Not to much is happening. Today we power washed the shady side of the house...again. I have been pleading for weeks, and it finally happen. Wezul has work for at least another week, but his project manager is hoping to hear about an extension. We will have to see how that pans out.
Below is my sneak attack of senor. He was trying out his new headphones he bought with his allowance he saved. Haha!!!

The following shot was Wezul dancing around as he was trying to hide behind me...hahaha!!! I still got your ear!
Is that Flash Gordon? NO...just Wezul moving super fast...Just kidding...sorta...he was not being a cooperative photography subject.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
It has been quiet
Not much to report on our end. We are doing well. Trying to keep the momentum up while Jason gets all the OT he can possibly get while we wait to hear what is going to be his next project.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Just Amazing!!
This weekend we went to Carolina Beach to visit with some dear friends Wezul has known for a long time. While we were there, their son called up to the house and told us that a nest of sea turtles were about to hatch. Off to the beach a group of us went. By the time we reached the beach, only one turtle had emerged and had already made his way to the ocean.
The other hatchlings decided that they wanted to take their time. After being nice and snug in their little warm egg that was buried under the sand, who can blame them for wanting to take their time to get into the cold, dark ocean.
However, there is plenty of food waiting for them.
There was a volunteer group there from the Pleasure Island Sea Turtle Project to ensure everything went smoothly for the babies' transition from the egg to the sea.
After a couple of hours, after watching just four heads poking out of the sand and doing much of nothing, chaos erupted.

All of a sudden the turtles were bubbling up from the sand and making their way to the the ocean.
Watch the little ones take their first plunge into the sea!
I couldn't imagine a better post to turn the dashboard post number to 100. It's moments like these that remind me why I do what I do is important to me!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Pepper Fairy...this ONE is for you!!
The OT experiment is going well. I guess. It is interesting not getting home until after 5:30 - 6pm. How many more months of this? Maybe 2 or so...but I will take this over the alternative. Wouldn't you?!?
I am getting well acquainted with Starbucks, Panera Bread, and the like. I am still trying to find my perfect locale. It isn't easy. However, the Starbucks by my office is off to a good start. Some of the "hanger outers" are nice. I don't know if they are regulars. I guess I will find out. Today I jetted to Panera. I was HUNGRY, we have a huge inspection coming up tomorrow to get our lab certified by the State, and everyone needed some sort of help with their data; therefore, I got no lunch. I couldn't wait for Wezul to get off of work. :) Hmmm...maybe I can get a promotion soon. I am starting to feel like the monkey working for bananas. Then again, I have always felt that way. It fits my moto "I am nothing more than a trained monkey."
An amazing thing is about to happen...this little blog entry in number 99. OMG! I should say that #99 is what is showing on my Dashboard. Who would have thunk that a little experiment to post pictures from our Anniversary trip last year to San Franscisco while we were there would still be going strong...sorta strong...haha. We really do this for our little familia. It gives me an outlet to say what I want to say and get a word in edge wise...As all know...Wezul is the center of the universe and he is the all knowing master in that universe and he speaks for us all. Heehee!! Love ya honey..mean it...Just kidding...kinda. ;)
Well, I am going to finally sign off. Who knows how long it will take me to come up with post #100. It should be a grand one...or at least funny...we will see...it will probably be neither of the above...but regardless...it will be from us...the C-ton peeps.....
Monday, July 20, 2009
I am now "THAT" person

A picture speaks for itself!
I have joined the club..."I have nothing better to do than to sit in Starbucks". Hahaha! It is not something I relish in. In fact, I am a little embrassed...haha...not really.
I do have a really good excuse. Actually...several really good excuses. Trust me!
- Neither Wezul nor I can find a good excuse to drive to work separately. We used to work 10-15 minutes apart from each other...now the distance is 5-10 minutes apart.
- To "save" Wezul's weekends, if he can work two extra hours a night, he won't have to go in on Saturday. I really like that idea!
- Yes, I could stay at my office and "work", but I already give them enough of my "free" time. In plain speak, I work 40+ hours a week and don't charge them for the extra hours.
- Plus, at work, I really can't surf the web as I wish...BIG BROTHER is watching me.
- To go to any place like Panera Bread, Mc Donald's, etc, it will cost me more than the $1.55 I spent on my "Grande" Awake Blackened Tea. I tried Panera Bread last week, and bought $10 in food. Not good...for my wallet...nor my cholesterol.
- Mostly, I hate coffee, they don't have a huge selection of food, it is really close to my job...and I can get to Wezul's "TDY" location quickly.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
You Can Do It!
The green peppers are in the back. However, they aren't very bell shaped. However, our tomato plant is busting with tomatoes. One crazy day after work last week, Wezul and I looked and the number of tomatoes went from 4 to over twenty overnight.

We can't see to find the best way to capture all the little tasty treats on the plants...maybe once they start to ripen they will be easier to see.
(By the way, I am not sure what is going on...I have not yet been able to figure out why all the pictures don't resize when you click on them...they should...I am sure it is an ID-10-T error...but I digress)
Wezul and I had a fun weekend. We are getting well acquainted with the free concerts in our area. Have I mentioned that "free" is our favorite word. The last one we went to was on Saturday. We saw Panyelo play. Wezul used to work with the lead singer's wife at that little place he "used" to work at. He is also a member of Dread 34 that we saw earlier in the summer.
Sunday, we helped some of our favorite peeps move into the family house they have been restoring and expanding. All I can say, their house ROCKS.
Enjoying all the little moments....
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
It can't be true...BUT it is!!!!!
For the next few months, Jason will be converted back to a FULL-TIME employee with the chance for getting OT every week!!!
Thank goodness to the man upstairs for small miracles.
We will be buying diamonds, a boat, a private jet, and taking a trip around the world...JUST KIDDING!
As much as we are enjoying this latest news, the project will only last for 2-3 months and the economy is far from rebounding. So, we will be playing things close to our vest and trying to put as much as we can into savings in case he doesn't get something to follow this project up.
Thank goodness to the man upstairs for small miracles.
We will be buying diamonds, a boat, a private jet, and taking a trip around the world...JUST KIDDING!
As much as we are enjoying this latest news, the project will only last for 2-3 months and the economy is far from rebounding. So, we will be playing things close to our vest and trying to put as much as we can into savings in case he doesn't get something to follow this project up.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
The 4th and more
First and most importantly, we hope GAP had a wonderful birthday party!
We had a rather quiet 4th, the M rental unit came up, we grilled out, and watched the battle of the fireworks in the neighborhood...I think the other cul-de-sac won the battle this year. There was a new contestant, though, they have a long way to go...
Wezul may have work this week, but we won't know for sure until he gets there. It is really back to a day to day type of thing right now. I really hope things start picking up soon.
Other than that things are going well.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Bigger and bigger
As you may remember, this was taken June 7th.

Lookie, lookie...what a difference 18 days can make.
Here is a close up of some of the good and not so good that is growing. I don't think I can ever find something nice to say about the green/red/yellow pepper; therefore, I will stop here. BUT the little tomato, I can't wait to try them. Right now, we have four visible tomatoes.
We are very excited how our garden is thriving right now. Wezul and I hope we can build a second planter box next year. :)
Wezul has worked for the past two weeks. Woo hoo! We do not know if Wez will have "regular" work for next week. I am amazed I haven't had a complete and utterly nervous breakdown yet. Just kidding! We can't complain. I can't wait to be able to blog that Wezul has gone back to a regular full-time 40 hour per week employee. I know he can't wait for it either. I know that he is terrified that if this continues much longer he will be fitted with a mop, hair net, and gloves for his new profession...Pfeifle Housecleaning Extraordinare and Yard Boy. Yes, this includes him scrubbing tubs and toilets...hmmm...I will be selling the pictures for $5 a piece to any interested party. Haha!!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
40 Hours...Jumping for Joy
I cannot remember the last time Wezul got 40 hours in one week...I think his last 40 hour week was at the beginning of March.
I am enjoying having my chauffeur/carpool buddy this week.
We have no clue if Wezul will have work next week. I am crossing my fingers he does have work, I need the 20-30 minutes of extra sleep I get while he drives...haha...just kidding...(maybe).
However, Wezul isn't sitting by watching the grass grow either. He is working hard for Wezul Web Design even though the accountant is twiddling her thumbs.
Our garden continues to grow...and grow...can't wait for the tomatoes to ripen....
Other than that, we are becoming experts at finding the silver linings in the up and down nature of this lovely recession....
Thursday, June 11, 2009
After three weeks, Jason will be working next week. It may even be a full week of work. We are not jumping for joy just yet. There is no guarantee for any work after next week - but it is a start we will gladly take.
I also survived my swift water training. I have a few new bruises thanks to the experience, swallowed a lot of nasty water, and spent the day with alot of firemen. Ooo la la!!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
I took this picture this evening. What a difference a month makes.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Doughnuts, Millstock Music & Art Faire, and more...
This was a short week for moi! Wezul has not worked for the past two weeks at his "usual" job. He has been busy with the web design work; however, it isn't in the cha ching mode yet and it will probably not be in cha ching mode for AWHILE. I have a really long day ahead of me this week (more about that later); therefore, I decided to take Friday off to burn some credit time that I had maxed out on and spend the day with the Wez!!
What a day it was! Can you say National Doughnut Day?!? Yes, we took full advantage of it. All I have to say is Krispy Kreme. Unlike an unnamed other doughnut distributor, you were able to get a free doughnut without purchasing anything; however, the hot doughnut now sign was on. Yes, we did buy a dozen. It is impossible not to buy them when the hot doughnut sign is on. It is against the law of physics to escape the vortex that is a fresh, hot original glazed Krispy Kreme doughnut.
The weather the past few days has been quite lovely! It's been raining; however, the temperatures have been amazing for it being June. Today, I needed the pullover I left in the trunk of the car. Highly unusual for us down here. Wezul and I decided to check out the Millstock Music & Art Faire in Clayton today. Wezul found out that Dread34 was going to be playing. One of the guitar players in the band is married to a friend of Wezul. His friend has invited us time after time to see her husband play, and it finally worked out we could make one of his gigs. We are thoroughly happy that we did! We completely enjoyed their set. The only thing that could have made it better was if it was free...oh yeah...it was FREE!!!
Dread34 at Flipside
Millstock Music & Art Faire
What a day it was! Can you say National Doughnut Day?!? Yes, we took full advantage of it. All I have to say is Krispy Kreme. Unlike an unnamed other doughnut distributor, you were able to get a free doughnut without purchasing anything; however, the hot doughnut now sign was on. Yes, we did buy a dozen. It is impossible not to buy them when the hot doughnut sign is on. It is against the law of physics to escape the vortex that is a fresh, hot original glazed Krispy Kreme doughnut.
The weather the past few days has been quite lovely! It's been raining; however, the temperatures have been amazing for it being June. Today, I needed the pullover I left in the trunk of the car. Highly unusual for us down here. Wezul and I decided to check out the Millstock Music & Art Faire in Clayton today. Wezul found out that Dread34 was going to be playing. One of the guitar players in the band is married to a friend of Wezul. His friend has invited us time after time to see her husband play, and it finally worked out we could make one of his gigs. We are thoroughly happy that we did! We completely enjoyed their set. The only thing that could have made it better was if it was free...oh yeah...it was FREE!!!
Millstock Music & Art Faire
Back to why I needed to burn some of my credit time. On Tuesday, I am traveling to Charlotte for the day. It is going to be a long day. I have to be at the office around 5:30am and won't get home until 9pm-ish. I have to go to the U.S. National Whitewater Center for Swift Water Rescue Training for work. Can you say "dreading this like getting my wisdom teeth pulled without pain killers"? I guess I wouldn't be worrying so much about what I am getting into if I didn't have to sign a waiver stating I would not sue if I get injured or die....hmmmmm...not quite the warm fuzzies I hoped for. However, with all the insane chicken yellow belly fear I have, it is something that is necessary for the job. Though I would prefer to have the normal training I went through when I first got there...jumping in a pool with my waders, jumping in a lake with my clothes on, sticking my hands & arms into a huge barrel of frigid ice and water to unlock a key...not quite sure I am ready for swift following water...laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
What a Nice Night!!
Darn mosquitos...they are being completely obnoxious right now!!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Welcome Back Home Parental P Unit
For the past few days, Wezul's rents were our guests. We had alot of fun and good times while they were down. Some of the highlights:
- BBVD (see previous post)
- Myrtle Beach trip sans us...they didn't get locked on the balcony this time
- Came back in time to see the water pump in the Camry take a nose dive
- Eating at numerous buffets...including Larry's
- Tailgating at Game 3 of the Eastern Conference Finals (Canes tanked)
(Tailgating - its hard work to sit around waiting for the food to get ready)
- Wezul + Environwx 6th Anniversary (Wezul and I went to see Star Trek while the rents got locked out of the house - though they had access to the garage - seeing a recurring theme - do you remember the wrist key chains - future Christmas present?!?)
- Memorial Day Cookout - friends - Parental M Unit - Cornhole Tourney

(I didn't think staying with us was this bad)
Sunday, May 24, 2009
hmmmm...Bone Meat
A very good friend from work took Wezul and I to Larry's Southern Kitchen awhile ago. Jason was amazed to find "bone meat" on the buffet. First thing he had to do - call his rents! It took them awhile to come down.
Really? If you were told there was bone meat on a buffet, you would jump in your car or plane and get there right away...wouldn't ya (I know...I passed on it too). They finally came down and off we went....
This isn't Poppa P closing his eyes out of disgust...somewhere in his mind...he is back on the farm with his family...eating "bone meat". Everybody got their tummy's full...with and without bone meat...This is certainly to become a routine stop when they are here.
Really? If you were told there was bone meat on a buffet, you would jump in your car or plane and get there right away...wouldn't ya (I know...I passed on it too). They finally came down and off we went....
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Off we go with the Wezul's parental unit. :)
It was an amazing show. Their live performance was outstanding.
After their encore, they offered their goods up for purchase, and wait for it.. that they will be available to shake hands and sign autographs for anyone who wanted to hang out afterwards. Next to the most amazing show I have seen in awhile...that is what impressed us all the most. Off we go to meet and greet with them. Of course, I did my usual stand there like a bump on a log and not say a word...but if and when Wezul's mom retires, her next calling can be the lead BBVD groupie...
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day to All!
To our favorite Mommies, we love you both!
Wezul and I have had a busy weekend! Saturday began with us getting up and going to the Farmer's Market in Raleigh. It is alot cheaper for us to get our produce there than the local grocery stores. Wezul and I went around Raleigh taking pictures at various places. Our first stop was the WRAL Gardens.
This is my favorite picture of the bunch (not because I took it - I just really like it). We went to Jordan Lake and Lake Benson. :) Nothing really exciting to see there. Just the usual lake views. Though my lack of wonder might be related to the fact that I sample these lakes on a routine basis. However, Wezul was impressed with Lake Benson's location.
Our plants are doing well. The planter box is working out well for us...so far. I think we built it high enough to keep the voracious bunny rabbits from eating on the newbie plants.
The spinach, white radishes, and onions are quickly growing and will be ready to plant soon along with the flowers we will be planting near our trees.
Let's see, Wezul is working hard on his web design business. As most of you know, his hours at work have been drastically cut back. He has ALOT of free time on his hands. A good friend of his wanted some help with a website and the rebirth of his previous business has began.
As much as I would prefer something that will bring in a steadier paycheck, something we can use NOW, something that wouldn't have to be sunk back into the business side, if we work through this, maybe in a few years, he will have some choices that will be worth while for himself.
In the meantime, we are getting smarter in our purchases and stretching what is coming in and making it last us a lot longer. On the upside, Wezul has been bumped up to 32 hours for the next 2-3 weeks. No matter what happens, we don't have it as bad as most of his old CAT and current co-workers...he still has a job as do I...so...things are just peachy.
As we vowed almost 6 years ago..."for richer for poorer"...
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Not much...
Things are going well. The Canes play tonight...Wezul is working the rest of the week...our seeds are germinating...the new gardenia bush is still alive...cannot ask for more.
Monday, May 4, 2009

We are trying to sprout some pretty flowers to place at the bed of our trees in the backyard in our microgreenhouse too.
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