Sunday, October 18, 2009

Chuck Box - The Beginnings

We are tailgating nutz!!  Earlier this fall, Wezul got a wacky idea in his head to build our own chuck box.  Some might be familiar with other names such as:  patrol boxes, field kitchens, camp kitchens, etc. Wezul asked me to help...which meant I got to go help pick out wood...which meant we ended up spending twice the amount of money on wood because I opted for the better wood...WHAT?!?

  • I offered to pay for half of the wood
  • This box is going to hold a lot of stuff...needs to be durable
  • We want it to look good
  • You KNOW you would buy the better wood IF someone offered to chip in half the money
  • If you looked at the cheap stuff and saw what we would have wanted the better looking wood too!

We had an ominous start.  We went to the HD to get the wood, and we were thoroughly disgusted with their lack of help.  We needed them to trim down some of the wood, had them page for help, and we were left standing there...luckily for us, we have a wood nut in our circle of friends, and for a case of beer and some male bonding time, Wezul was able to get the wood cut down to the pile you see below...we are back on track!!!

It is taking a bit of time, but as you can see, we started to get the pieces cut out.  Wezul is doing most of the cutting because the plans are in his head.  He has some rough sketches, but I wouldn't be able to follow them since I don't think it will be safe to crawl in his head to see them, and his verbal descriptions leave me scratching my head when he speaks...kinda like the teacher in Charlie Brown...heehee...just kidding...However, I will have you know, I am a MEAN wood gluer, wood holder, and sander...That's right...I have used another power tool.

I hope you like the action shot below...all I can say is...I so want to use the router!!  However, the wood was splitting...and it is a little scary for I think Wezul is afraid I might put his eye out, chop my hand off, or fling a piece of wood into the car's windshield...who knows...or he is just in Manspace, and wants to keep all the joy to himself.

There is part of the base...still not quite sure how it is all going to turn out...what I thought was going to be the final no where close to what Wezul described to me yesterday...we are slowly make might help if we had an experienced carpenter giving us a little guidance...

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