Thursday, June 25, 2009

Bigger and bigger

As you may remember, this was taken June 7th.

Lookie, lookie...what a difference 18 days can make.

Here is a close up of some of the good and not so good that is growing. I don't think I can ever find something nice to say about the green/red/yellow pepper; therefore, I will stop here. BUT the little tomato, I can't wait to try them. Right now, we have four visible tomatoes.

We are very excited how our garden is thriving right now. Wezul and I hope we can build a second planter box next year. :)

Wezul has worked for the past two weeks. Woo hoo! We do not know if Wez will have "regular" work for next week. I am amazed I haven't had a complete and utterly nervous breakdown yet. Just kidding! We can't complain. I can't wait to be able to blog that Wezul has gone back to a regular full-time 40 hour per week employee. I know he can't wait for it either. I know that he is terrified that if this continues much longer he will be fitted with a mop, hair net, and gloves for his new profession...Pfeifle Housecleaning Extraordinare and Yard Boy. Yes, this includes him scrubbing tubs and toilets...hmmm...I will be selling the pictures for $5 a piece to any interested party. Haha!!

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